Our refund policy is straightforward. If you request a refund within 30 minutes of placing your order, we will issue a refund promptly. This tight timeframe is due to our immediate commencement of video production to ensure delivery within 1-3 days.

Once a video has been produced, it is nonrefundable. This includes all videos delivered under user-generated content (UGC) orders. We cannot offer refunds for the product cost or shipping costs for any UGC order, and UGC products are not returned to customers since our content creators retain these products. If you are considering sending a high-ticket item, please contact us before ordering and dispatching your product to our content creator.

Despite our stringent refund policy, we provide unlimited revisions for 7 days after your video order. You may request changes to your video within 24-48 hours of your original order. In certain specific cases, exceptions may be considered.

No revisions will be accepted after 7 days from the date you receive your revised ad unless specifically agreed upon by the Company at its discretion.

We are committed to ensuring you are satisfied with your final video.

For any inquiries regarding refunds, please contact support at MostafaAboussaid@gmail.com

Ordering Process
Select the video package you wish to purchase and complete the payment on our order form. This purchase is governed by our Terms of Use, Terms of Sale, Privacy Policy, and Copyright Policy. Our team will contact you within 24 hours with your order details. Once your video is completed, we will deliver it to you via email. Remember, we offer free, unlimited revisions for up to 7 days, and we handle them swiftly!

Video Creation
Our video editors craft each client’s video using clips from YouTube and premium stock footage, ensuring that each video is engaging and includes effective sales copy. We prioritize quick turnaround, typically completing videos within 1-3 business days to meet your needs promptly.